Since I’m starting a new series, much research is required! So my research assistant and I recently took a trip to Montgomery, Alabama, the home of the Shades of Death. I was very fortunate to be able to interview some very important people who will be helping me keep my characters straight!
I have just discovered you and your books. I would really like to read The Blackest Crimson. However, I don’t own a kindle, don’t want one. I like the books in my hands. Is it available in book form? I have already ordered “A Deeper Grave”.
Thank you!
Hi Kathy,
It’s great to hear from you! The Blackest Crimson is a short story, about 50 pages, so it’s only available in ebook. You can download it to your computer or your smart phone with a kindle app. If you have trouble doing that, please email me at author.debra.webb@gmail.com
I have just found you on my second book.I’m bad about finding author them the books in order. I have 10 now and just starting on my second book.
Priscilla riley
Thank you, Priscilla!
Hi Debra, I have just started the shades of death series. I love your books and plan to read all of them. Thank you so much
Thank you so much!!!!
Hi debra. Just finished shades of death series. Absolutely loved every book. Plan to read every book u have ever written. U are ,by far, my new favorite author. Thank u so much!😊
Thank you so much, Sheila! I hope you’ll look for THERE ONCE WAS A CHILD coming next month!
Hi Debra, I just started reading the faces series. I believe that I have found a new favorite author. I have read the first five in the series in nine days. Will be downloading the rest soon. So after them I will have to get the other series you have written. Thank you for the enjoyment you have given me.
I’m so happy! Thank you so much for letting me know! I hope you’ll check out my latest release, THERE ONCE WAS A CHILD!
Debra I found you through your past neighbor Nancy in Huntsville. I love all your books and always search your collections.
I was wondering if you are going to put Everywhere She Runs on electronic format? I just finished Everywhere She Turns and loved it!!
Please keep writing with the setting in Huntsville. It is amazing to read books set in a place I love.
Hi Kerry! Both EVERYWHERE SHE TURNS and ANYWHERE SHE RUNS are being repackaged and will be available at a lower price later this year! Great to hear from you!
Please list the books in order that pertain to The Undertakers Daughter… sequels????
Sequels are confusing my Mom and I’m trying to sort it out for her…