Keeping Kennedy

Kennedy Malone is DC’s top spin doctor. She keeps the political brass looking clean and shiny. Her personal life is not so well organized and she needs a spin to wiggle her way out of a little fix. A piece of cake. All she needs is a fiancé for one week. Is that too much to ask?
Douglas Drake is a freelance photographer. He travels the world and brings home award-winning work. He has no time for commitment to anything else. When his neighbor and friend asks him for a favor he hesitantly obliges. He could use a break and Kennedy has helped him out too many times to count. Last minute trips to the airport, feeding his pet Iguana while he is away on assignment for weeks on end. Kennedy has always come through. But going to her hometown and pretending to be her fiancé for a whole week is a pretty big favor.
Kennedy is a strait-laced, businesswoman; Drake a laid back, go-with-the-flow kind of guy. They are total opposites in all things except career focus. Pretending to be engaged for seven days and nights shouldn’t be a problem…until passion and desire explodes between them!
Though Debra Webb has distinguished herself as an author of romantic suspense, she began her career writing sassy and spicy romances for Kensington’s Precious Gems. For the first time these heartfelt stories, which were sold only in Walmart for one short month, are available as ebooks.