Hey friends, It's hard to believe that it's August already! This year is flying by!…

A New Year And A New Series from Debra Webb
As 2018 comes to a close, we can’t help looking back and analyzing the months that have passed. This has been a wonderful year in many ways and not so wonderful in others. In the end, the good has far outweighed the not so good. And now I’m looking forward to 2019!
Just this week the prequel for next year’s new hometown thriller series released in ebook exclusively on Amazon. I hope you’ll have a look at THE UNDERTAKER’S DAUGHTER. Titled after the series it launches, this story will set the stage for what’s coming. You can get your copy of the prequel at Amazon by clicking here. The story starts in Nashville but eventually lands in Winchester, Tennessee, a small town near the state line between Alabama and Tennessee where I lived for fifteen years. You’ll meet Dr. Rowan DuPont who grew up in the funeral home that has been in her family for more than a hundred years. Growing up in a funeral home makes for a very different childhood. Rowan learned at a young age that the bodies of the dead tell a story about the lives lived. I hope you’ll follow Rowan on her journey in this series.
Coming in April is the first full length novel in the series. This one is called THE SECRETS WE BURY and you can preorder it now in ebook, paperback and audio wherever books are sold. Want to order now? Just click here to go to the Amazon page. You can read an excerpt from this story on my Extras Page. October 2019 brings book two, THE LIES WE TELL. You can order book two in ebook, paperback or audio, also wherever books are sold. Click here to order from Amazon. I’m sure you will enjoy this series as much as I have enjoyed writing it. I loved writing about Winchester so much that I created another series called WINCHESTER, TENNESSEE THRILLERS to write for Harlequin Intrigue. The first two books will be out in February and March. IN SELF DEFENSE and THE DARK WOODS can be ordered in paperback or ebook wherever books are sold. To order from Amazon click here! Lots of books are coming in 2019!
Never miss one of my releases! You can sign up for my newsletter right here on my website and you can follow me on Amazon by clicking here and then selecting follow! Watch this site, you’ll be hearing from me again soon! Have a safe and happy 2019!
Loved When you come back , Amazing twists you did not see coming .
Thank you so much!
It was absolutely riveting. Sometimes had to put it down to take a breath.
Thank you for sharing that!
My next book to read. I can’t wait.
Awe this looks awesome, I cant wait to read about Sam The Lab too hehešš
In Juneau Alaska on a cruise. Have had no cell or internet access since the 11th. When my phone connected today almost the first thing I saw was this. š Love your booksbut all I can read now is whatever I loaded before I left home. š
Have fun!
I loved it, but I need more!!! Please tell me you have plans for another book featuring these characters!! Also, without giving spoilers… Dangerous needs to get a different profession, haha!
Thank you so much!