Hey friends, It's hard to believe that it's August already! This year is flying by!…

FREE BOOK — Summer Reading!
It’s finally summer and I have great news!!! My big thriller, TRUST NO ONE, which releases on August 1 is now available as an Amazon First Reads for the month of July! This means you can grab a copy right now for FREE if you’re a prime member. If you are not a prime member you can still get my book plus another of the month’s selection of First Reads for only $1.99! That’s not even a dollar each! I am thrilled! Please get your copy and leave a review. Reviews are so important!
I hope you’re doing well! The world has been a little unsettling this year but hopefully we’re in for good things. I have a new grandchild. Another beautiful little girl. I will have lots of news in the future and I hope you’ll follow along with me. You can find me on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. If you’re not on my mailing list, sign up now!
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